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Face the Facts - Fill the Earth

Joseph Franklin Rutherford (1938)

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Pamphlet from the Watchtower reformer and leader Joseph Rutherford about the events unfolding in europe at the time, containing a speech of his at the Royal Albert Hall, London. He states that the totalitarian governments of the time were a manifestation of the beast trying to undermine God’s righteous government and create a pale copy of it, and that the catholic leaders were in collusion with those dictators, partaking in this work. He makes various statements that show the beliefs of Jeovah’s witnesses at the time (some of them still valid like their interpretation of prophecy claiming Christ’s return in 1914 and their view of history according to the dream in Daniel as well as various prophecies in Ezekiel and Revelation.

What is that hideous monstrosity? It is the totalitarian government or ruling power, which makes the State supreme, regiments all the people, rules them by arbitrary dictators, compels all to render complete obedience thereto, and which monstrosity therefore is a fraudulent mimic of Godโ€™s righteous government. Now mark the indisputable facts.

Fulfilled prophecy shows that in 1914 Jehovah enthroned Christ Jesus and sent him forth to rule, while Satan still exercises his power in the world. (Psalm 110:1,2) In 1917 Satan brought forth in Russia a Communist or Bolshevik government, which was the first appearance of a totalitarian rule, and which opposes God and his kingdom. It declares that the State is the supreme power, and it persecutes those who serve God and Christ Jesus.

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