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Source: Archive.org

The account of a parish priest living in the secluded village of Walddorf. He recalls how, towards the end of the Thirty Years’ War, violence and then, the ravages of Black Death reached his remote settlement. We are actually not sure of the authenticity of the document, still it is a very moving story.

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Ebook and proofreading in progress. Help very much welcome!

Available in French and soon in English [TODO]

Leixners letzte Erzählung bietet in ausgezeichneter Nachahmung der Sprache des 17. Jahrhunderts den Bericht eines Pfarrherrn aus einem einsamen vogtländischen Dorfe. Wie gegen Ende des Dreißigjährigen Krieges auch in diese abgelegene Einsamkeit erst der Schrecken des Krieges und dann in seinem Gefolge das Wüten des schwarzen Todes gelangte, wird schlicht und ergreifend erzählt.

If you notice issues in this book, please contact us so we can fix them, you'll get to be on the thank-you list if you so choose. If the links to the scan are missing or dead, please contact us as well, we have a backup of everything.


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